Retail Revitalised

How Primark are using digital to drive retail footfall

Welcome to our Retail Revitalised dinner - thank you for joining us! Throughout the evening you’ll have the opportunity to network and discuss subjects that truly impact upon the success of your businesses. A big thank you to our speakers – Primark's Andrew Brothers, Global CIO and Paul Edney, Head of Digital Technology – and our partners; EPAM, commercetools and Fluent Commerce.

Fluent Commerce

Tonight's Questions

  1. Propel your in-store experience with digital tools - how brands can use digital to increase retail footfall?
  2. Staying focused - using retail innovation to digitally interact with new customers, whilst staying true to long-term customers.
  3. Leapfrogging the competition - why speed matters.

In Attendance

If you have any questions or would like to be introduced to another delegate, please ask a member of the Commerce Futures team. Attending today's event, are:

Name 1

Name 2

Name 3

Name 4

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