Mandarin Hotel, 251 Rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, France
Paris, France

Paris, France
October 11, 2023
Vous faut-il aller là où sont vos clients ?
Nous sommes ravis de revenir dans notre ville préférée pour discuter avec les acteurs du secteur de la ‘marque de luxe’ qui s'engagent dans la voie du numérique avec leurs clients.
Partout dans le monde, on entend parler de marques de luxe qui ont su tirer parti des canaux numériques pour leur croissance commerciale. La Chine en particulier est le cas d'école de la croissance numérique du luxe, suivie de près par les États-Unis et d'autres marchés.
Alors que Paris est le siège de tant d'entités du luxe, nous nous sommes demandé si les créateurs de l’ADN des marques de luxe devaient explorer l'utilisation du numérique sur le marché domestique de la même manière qu'à l'international, et y avons vu l’occasion de partager ce que nous entendions en dehors de Paris - et de débattre de la question avec nos amis français.

Autour d'un dîner privé, nous lancerons la discussion sur les points suivants :
- Élaborer une stratégie numérique globale pour le secteur ‘Marque de Luxe’
- Renforcer les capacités numériques mondiales tout en permettant aux équipes locales de s'épanouir
- Vitesse de transformation - Le luxe doit-il se lancer plus rapidement encore dans le numérique ?

Thomas Davis
International Digital Operations Director
CartierRead Full Bio →
Tom Davis is based in Geneva, Switzerland and is currently the International Digital Operations Director for Cartier SA.
Since joining Cartier in 2016, Tom’s focus has been leading the global ecommerce business, overseeing “connected” retail and establishing retail innovation. His span of responsibility covers running the day to day business of ecommerce, managing an omnichannel digital ecostystem as well as working with innovation labs, startups and physical prototypes to impove the boutique customer experience.
Tom has worked within the digital world since the mid 1990s and has been instrumental developing, launching and running ecommerce and digital businesses for brands such as PUMA, Tommy Hilfiger and Sirius Satellite Radio.
Tom is a graduate of Vanderbilt University with a degree in Human and Organizational Development and earned his Master of Business Administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management.

Maria White
Global Search Lead
Kurt GeigerRead Full Bio →
Maria Amelie White works as Global Search Lead at Kurt Geiger. Maria is an MSc in Psychological Research and has worked in SEO for over 12 years, specialising in attracting relevant and converting traffic to Global Brands with, Consumer Trends analysis, Technical and International SEO, and Social Media.
18h30 Arrivée & verre de bienvenue
19h15 Installation des invités à table
19h20 Allocution de bienvenue de Commerce Futures
19h30 Intervenant principal - Thomas Davis, Cartier
20h00 Service des entrées
20h20 Intervenante invitée - Maria White, Kurt Geiger
20h40 Service des plats principaux - Discussion d'un thème par table
21h10 Thèmes abordés de manière collective
21h30 Desserts & networking
23h00 Fin de l’événement

Thomas Davis
International Digital Operations Director
CartierRead Full Bio →
Tom Davis is based in Geneva, Switzerland and is currently the International Digital Operations Director for Cartier SA.
Since joining Cartier in 2016, Tom’s focus has been leading the global ecommerce business, overseeing “connected” retail and establishing retail innovation. His span of responsibility covers running the day to day business of ecommerce, managing an omnichannel digital ecostystem as well as working with innovation labs, startups and physical prototypes to impove the boutique customer experience.
Tom has worked within the digital world since the mid 1990s and has been instrumental developing, launching and running ecommerce and digital businesses for brands such as PUMA, Tommy Hilfiger and Sirius Satellite Radio.
Tom is a graduate of Vanderbilt University with a degree in Human and Organizational Development and earned his Master of Business Administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management.

Maria White
Global Search Lead
Kurt GeigerRead Full Bio →
Maria Amelie White works as Global Search Lead at Kurt Geiger. Maria is an MSc in Psychological Research and has worked in SEO for over 12 years, specialising in attracting relevant and converting traffic to Global Brands with, Consumer Trends analysis, Technical and International SEO, and Social Media.
Mandarin Hotel, 251 Rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, France
A timeless celebration of Paris, inspired by fashion, artistic creativity and underpinned by the brand’s legendary service. The elegant rooms and spacious suites offer a stylish Parisian experience with a nod to couture and art. Sat in the heart of Paris, the hotel features an inner garden, providing a sanctuary from the bustling city and a peaceful dining haven.
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