Conversion Vs Friction

The Game of Marginal Gains


Welcome to our roundtable breakfast and thank you for joining us. Throughout the morning you’ll have the opportunity to network and discuss subjects that truly impact upon the success of your businesses. A big thank you to our partners Visa Accepted Solutions for making this all possible, and to our amazing speakers Ian Burgess, CTO, Luxion Group and John Low, Group Head of Digital Risk, Frasers Group for sharing their insights.

Two women talking at a conference

1. Where are you seeing the most 'friction' as you define it currently? How do you identify and measure that?

2. What can tokenisation do to affect friction? Let's talk about loyalty, routing.

3. How can this be implemented efficiently and what outcomes can you really expect?

Leaf wall texture
Dessert at a Commerce Futures Dinner Event
Pouring champagnePain au chocolat at a Commerce Futures breakfast eventAudience at a Commerce Futures conference.



08:30 - 09.00 Registration & Networking

09:00 - 09:15 Breakfast, first course served

09:15 - 09.25 Welcome & Introductions

09:25 - 10:15 Topics & guided questions

10:15 - 10:20 Breakfast, second course served

10:20 - 10:45 Group topics and moderated discussion

10:45 - 11:15 Continued Group Discussion & Networking

11:15 Event Closes

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Chloe Webber on a laptop managing community forums and calls